Wednesday, August 5, 2015

Juicing: Day 3

     Already on day three huh? Last night was harder because I kept thinking about unhealthy food. It the thought gets stuck in my head then I usually go for it but I didn't. I was able to resist temptation and stick to my juice and water. I think that will be the hardest part about all of this. I've been reading about how other people juice and doing what works best for your life. I don't want this to be some fasting. I want this to be the beginning of a new healthy life. So as the 60 days come my habits will change. Some people juice twice a day and eat plant based food for dinner while other people juice m-f and eat plant based food on the weekend. I don't exactly know how this will all work out for me but I know I want the next 60 days to be filled with healthy decisions. For me, since I've never been taught how to live a healthy lifestyle I figured juicing would be ideal while I pick up some helpful hints along the way to incorporate. I'm having to re-educate myself on what is right and wrong in terms of food. I haven't the slightest idea of what else is healthy out there besides salads and even those can be unhealthy.

     Part of me feels like a failure to begin with because I allowed myself to get to this point. I'm 29 and only now I am learning about how to be healthy. It's pretty sad and pathetic. I'm glad that I'm doing something about it now. I could have waited until I was much older and by then I'd probably have so many medical issues it wouldn't be funny. As of right now I'm not on medication for anything. I am able to walk and explore the world. Some people can't do something as simple as walk. I count my blessing all the time. I just keep having to remind myself of this while I am going through this process. I have a lot to be grateful for. Life is amazing!

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