Thursday, July 30, 2015



       It really doesn't matter what you want to do with your life education is very important. Think about it, when you get a new job they train you, if you pick up a new hobby you have to learn how to do it, if you want to do something new then you have to educate yourself on the issue. For me this past week as been all about educating myself. I joined some FaceBook groups on juicing, I've been reading articles about it and I've been talking to people about it. I've juiced before and only made it 7 days. In my heart of hearts I want to make it the full 60 days. For me this type f change does not come easy. In terms of health and taking care of myself change is hard. I want to help alleviate that transition by educating myself. Learning is a never ending process. I you want to be a better you then you must learn to be that person. There will always be glitches and learning curves but the idea is to keep going. 

       You know how they say it took Edison 10,000 tries to create the light bulb? With each try he learned something. He learned what didn't work and what might work better if done slightly different. Educating yourself helps when you are facing the fork in the road head on. Left is a bumpy road that will lead you to where you want and right is the easy ride that will never quite get you to your destination. Learning to read the map will give you a better idea on what road to take. I don't know how many tries it'll take me to get where I want to be but I know that if I try long enough I will find the path that works for me. 

      You see education isn't about being forced to sit and read some book for an hour and retain all that information. It's about finding a topic you're passionate about, like me and my lifestyle choices, and finding new information. Now a days you don't have to memorize a cook book recipe or how many steps make a mile of walking. If you find yourself struggling just take out your phone and look it up. It's about progress not perfection. A truly educated person knows that life isn't about "Keeping up the the Kardashions" (lol I made a funny) but it's about your own self perspective and the beauty that lies within you. Life can be whatever it is you want it to be. Do you want to sit in the filth of your own ignorance? Or do you want to stay educated? The choice is yours; choose wisely my friends. 

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